Saturday, November 22, 2008


An upload of photos (:

Firstly, let me say that, despite my fervent love of taking photos of food, I am often (actually always) too lazy to upload photos of them.

So, I am resigned to having a permanently dead food blog.

Here are some photos taken today...

DSC_4721 by cherieamour on Zooomr

Bear-Moo, from Canada, says hello!
If you're wondering about the name, its a half bear plus moose. The bear is the lump that the moose is currently sitting on (:

DSC_4725 by cherieamour on Zooomr

My old man, who was moving towards me so fast I cut off half the head haha! Luckily its still in focus...

DSC_4742 by cherieamour on Zooomr

The bitchy who always hides from the camera when she has no make-up on :P

DSC_4757 by cherieamour on Zooomr

End with a disgusting shot :D of the old man after drinking celery juice (mom pronounces it as see-leh-ree) with a celery mustache hahaha!!!!

All of the above taken with the 85mm f1.4 which was finally put into use after a long long long long slumber in the dry cabi. Its so beautiful! Shall put it to good use after the exams.

ANYWAY!!!! Please head over to for the cutest photos ever of Cappuccino (:

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