Sunday, May 24, 2009


Common Tiger

Common Tiger.

Fragile Beauty

The beautiful Japanese Rose, a very small petite flower about 2cm in diameter.

Friday, May 22, 2009

That niggling urge

Months back, I happened to come across something which made me find out that one of my exs had a photography hobby too.

Today, I went to the opening of the Butterfly Garden in HortPark, and before the presentation started, the PR person told me somebody from the Butterfly Circle was here. Now, where did I hear that before? That niggling urge itched... and soon enough, I heard the familiar sounds of a camera's shutter. I turned around, and there he was, just as I had expected.

Perhaps he had forgotten me, perhaps he was the wrong one I remembered, but it was interesting seeing somebody from my past.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today, I heard the most terrifying sound in my life ever. It was very painful, and heartbreaking. A few seconds after I walked into the house tonight, Cappu started convulsing. Then he stopped moving for awhile (I think he got stuck between his cube and tube - oops that rhymes) and then he suddenly started screaming.

I've never heard a hamster nor any animal scream before, and my heart froze. The sound was so shrill, and he was suffering so bad!! I never want to hear that again in my life ): He started flying all over his cage while screaming in pain, and hitting the walls really hard. I just dropped my bag and handphone on the floor while running to his cage, and jerked up the removable top layer of his cage.

His seizures were so bad he started flying / jerking across the floor once the cage was lifted, and I had to grab him. The poor baby had his mouth open wide, probably gasping for air, and I could see both his teeth and tongue... Poor baby. He kept struggling, and I was worried he'd bite his tongue so I held him against my shirt. He was drooling again.

I'm so scared I might lose him, and with Billy so old... ): sad.

Anyway, also noted that the seizures only began after his surgery at the vet. I wonder if they left some tool or thing inside his wound? What's hurting him so much?

Friday, May 01, 2009

Cappu seizures

My little Cappuccino is having seizures again... And this time its worrying.

He had a mild seizure in the morning and his genitals seemed to have some light-coloured pus blocking the exit, but I thought nothing of it as it might be discharged.

Then now in the evening, he had an extremely bad / major seizure flying all over the tank, and there was even a second seizure after the first was over. And then I felt something poking my hand and crap there was an extremely huge (in terms of hamster proportion) barley sized hardened pus thing which had discharged from his genitals :(

I wonder if its some sort of bladder stone? It was so painful he even crapped a bit. Now, he seems better, but I think if it happens again I'll have to bring him to the vet yet again. Poor baby.