Friday, September 23, 2011

A blog revival

This one's going to have a new life again, folks!

I'm gonna blog about mainly food, and stick to Tumblr for the rest.


Friday, March 18, 2011


i've moved back to Tumblr for uploading instagram pix as well as short posts.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Monday

Today M and I went out w Twiggy (: Isn't she gorgeous? ((: Soft and smooshy!! That's a juicy charm hanging on the zipper (:

We stopped by Chinatown as M went to a bike shop to see if his was salvageable, but apparently the integrity of the frame has been compromised... Chim speak, there's a dent on it and well that means it will die in a minor bump.

After that he dropped by one of the Pearl something buildings in Chinatown, the one w Koi, and bought durian pancake! Yums (: $2 for a jumbo one, but the durian has been a bit watered down instead of the thick gooey mashed durian it used to be.

Then we went to Jurong East Library to borrow books on Bangkok (: Nearby, at the building which houses Fairprice, there's a new BBT shop called Agantea, from Taiwan (:

Me w my Agan Green Milk T w pearls! ((:

as you can see, the pearls are clear! Their pretty soft but chewy. The tea was pretty yums but VERY milky - the green t was a bit too mild. Ordered black t but she took the wrong order.. And my first one she just gave me Agan Green T (without milk) so be very clear on your order (:

M had the Hawaiian Fruit T, which was pretty good (: I cant really tell what it is except there's definitely lime inside (:

The shop people were really nice anyway, M poked his straw but it wouldnt go in and his fruit t slipped out of his hand and exploded on the floor, and they cleaned up the place and gave him a new one!

Thumbs up for Agantea (:

Plus its cheaper than Koi (:

Going trippin'!

M and I met up w Wendell and Joan today, to discuss a potential HK trip...

which somehow turned into Bangkok! Haha!

I'm actually quite excited since I haven't been there for awhile (although my wardrobe has no more space for any more clothes, i have trouble shutting its doors). We've managed to find a decent and modern hotel at a decent price too! (:


But I kinda think M and Wendell will leave all the planning to us.. and will spend too much time together!! Today the two of them were like an old married couple sitting at starbucks with legs cocked up and talking about diving non-stop while Joan and I were searching for flights and hotels! Totally oblivious (ok almost) to what we were saying...

Not a good thing though (:

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

To keep the ball rolling

Here's another post to continue yesterday's (:

This was what the corner of my bed looked like last night:

It's a stitch scrump tree topped with a patrick star (: hahaha. M's ingenious idea.... prolly to make more space for himself.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

hello again

it's been quite a while since i last blogged, about five months, to be exact. it's shocking, somehow. time seems to have passed so quickly - but to me its mostly been a whirl of work, trying to get enough sleep and not be sleepy, or ODing on more than 12 hours and still feeling dazed... life's somehow graduated to the point where if i don't get a daily dose of caffeine, my eyelids are at half-mast and the words just seem like a blur. i've recently had days when i needed two cups of tea in order to be alert. and well if there is one bad thing about my job it's that you need to be on-your-toes at spotting mistakes... i sometimes start doubting my command of english when i have to keep re-reading copy just to see how it should be tweaked.

also, M used to point out the incompatibility of my working hours with his - and i never really thought about it until now. he's on practicum, and instead of being able to see him on his free days - or the days when his classes starts late - i get to see him only on my off days. it just feels so strange being able to see him two days a week, from at least six days a week. i think i've had withdrawal symptoms.

the best part about not seeing him enough is that it has made me change my mind about marriage. the institution of marriage is one i loathe, much like my attitude towards having children. but nowadays, i keep thinking, what if i'm doing this for years? what if he starts teaching after june? do i want to see him only twice a week? it's not really two days even - more of one, given that its usually half a weekday and half a weekend - and when he starts teaching he'll have lots of things to do such as set lesson plans, do marking... when he has such stuff to do i barely see him. and well, the thing about marriage is that you get to stay together, so technically a couple will see each other every night even if not during the day. i may have changed my mind about it due to this, but i'm still not ready for marriage really, it's just an idea that has popped into my head.

agh. i don't want to get married. what was i thinking? (: i had a great dream long ago, that i still fondly remember. it was rather silly, and amazing. in my dream, or nightmare rather, i had married a great guy, but he had many children (i can't remember how many). if i remember correctly, he was always tired and busy from spending time with them, the little horrors. i came to my senses during the dream, although i did not awake, and i hauled him off to the court for a divorce immediately. it was quite unfortunate since i could sense he was a great guy, but i just don't see myself having children, ever. i don't mind grandchildren though (: does anyone have ideas on how to skip the middle part?

anyhoos, lately i've been addicted to watching the office and 30 rock, having finished what i had of big bang theory and how i met your mother. i really enjoy watching comedies and knitting after work... although its not conducive to my sleep (: i've read about how sleeping late at night (and the rest during daylight hours) makes you have a higher chance of getting cancer (and getting fatter). well the fatter part has come true so i'm hoping the cancer part doesn't! i think reading too much news on research is just demoralising. research always contradicts other research and in the end you're stuck wondering if you should drink more soyabean cos it lowers your chances of getting cancer, drink full-fat milk cos it actually helps w weight loss vs theories that it makes you fatter... gah! oh and the fatter part might actually have been due to me exercising less (being an office chair potato) and having lots of good food... especially what my dear M makes for me (((: i had a YUMMY salad today - lettuce, creamy avocado slices, crabsticks, chicken shreds, brie, tomatoes and mayo. it was so good, chock full of delicious stuff. i can't describe his sandwiches....... (: