Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Yashica MG-1

Yashica MG-1, originally uploaded by Capt Kodak.

I bought this today! As a present for passing my own piano diploma (: Okay I'm lying, I just needed a reason to buy one. HAHAHAHA.

BLACK BEAUTYYYYY.............!

By the way this is not mine. I'm just too lazy to take a photo of mine :P I somehow think I got ripped off a bit, paid 100 and it had quite a few chips and scratches although the seller was very ignorant and said there were only light scratches on the base. Those I spotted must be slashes and not scratches instead.

Anyhow, gotta run a roll of slides through it just to test the meter (: A very automatic camera, so much for going manual sigh.

I guess this means I need to buy another camera. A manual rangefinder this time.

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