Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Canada, Day 1

The view which greeted us close to landing.


No idea what mountain range that was.

Stepped out of the plane and emerged into the airport. That's the plane we took.


Vancouver International Airport wasn't what I expected, it somehow seemed very different from all other airports I've landed at. The terminal was extremely crowded, all the baggage lanes were used as far as my eye could see, and there were many police officers situated all over. The police did not look friendly, and less so when they started questioning many Chinese who were on the plane, rather than the people of other races in the terminal. What's more, they asked really irrelevant questions in aggressive manners, i.e. do you have a laptop? what do you need it for? Electronics such as laptops are so commonplace, it'd be more normal to ask questions like, do you have a bomb? Goodness.

Needless to say, I was really glad to get out of the stuffy terminal.

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