Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Now here's a title that never made sense. Skinny bone. How can a bone be skinny? But it certainly sounds better than skinnybody.

I was surfing through the Singapore Lomotion forum - on lomography, what I know as toy camera photography but am prolly wrong - when I came across a few shots from a Holga (toy camera, ha) with this extremely flesh-and-bone "model" (a word that I now know loosely describes most unprofessional females posing in lingerie for amateur photographers) posing. Now, its not that I'm against the model or the Holga (I like Holgas), but I was shocked to see a comment saying nice model with a cheeky smiley face. What has the world come to, that men actually find a woman so skinny that 2 rib bones protrude, sexy?

Men should stop dictating the ways women should look, and women should stop following the conventional ways that men want them to look, since they do want to have their own rights. Think for themselves then! Why must we be curvy in eras / countries where men like it, or skinny to the point of anorexia?

Okay, sometimes I think too much.

And now about thinking too much... perhaps I would get along very well with orangutans.

In Deep Thought



Aren't they adorable (:

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