Friday, December 26, 2008


At the airport, I fired quite a few shots, not realising that I had switched off A mode and my shutter speed was stuck at 1/500. Five shots were wasted.

After realising my mistake, I retook this shot:
budget terminal
budget terminal by cherieamour on Zooomr

The original was a much better angle but I was already in the queue and unable to move backwards.

Anyway, the yellow cast present is also seen in the next few photos. I wonder why (:

tiger air
tiger air by cherieamour on Zooomr

Through the foggy window and the rain.

plane wing
plane wing by cherieamour on Zooomr

I'm always sitting at the wing... BTW, I don't like this new shop. Lots of dust and scratches, a big disappointment. Shall try the kodak shop next to it.

outside window
outside window by cherieamour on Zooomr

Touchdown. The buildings in the background are part of Macau's skyline. However, due to either my shaky hands or lousy focusing, its blur :P

I must admit I'm unhappy using the D80 to digitise my negatives, however the budget does not allow for a good scanner yet.

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