Saturday, December 20, 2008

CD, trip

I've got about 8 new CDs with some being doubles to sort out, it gives me a break from unpacking which is great cos I've been feeling under the weather.

Macau was an ok-only trip, Dad, bitchy and I fell sick. Which is bad, cos Dad never ever catches a cold, and I never ever get dizzy, weak and aches everywhere.

Bitchy had a leaking nose, which happens almost always in cold weather for her, but Dad and I had really lousy sleep (or almost no sleep) for the 6 days which kinda killed our immune system. The wife snored like a wailing system and grandma kept tossing and turning really loudly and coughing and blowing her nose and waking up really early and making lots of rustling noises. UGHHHHHHHHHHHH. BTW, I think she may have sleep apnea seeing the above, and the fact that she has very troubled breathing at night... should go see a doctor for that.

I think old age is really catching up on her, she was fine when we traveled together in the past, and the times bitchy and I used to sleep over.

Shall not say anymore, lots of occurrences during the trip were already earlier expected.

Anyway, there were some beautiful (and new) things we saw during the trip which we did not see previously. Will upload photos soon.

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