Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Day Before

The day before going overseas, we left our hamsters in the care of my aunt.

Whom I thought loved hamsters, but that was apparently more than 10 odd years ago.

I'm thankful that all were healthy and alive when we got back though (:

DSC_4901 by cherieamour on Zooomr

Bitchy w Cowboy, the only crazy and awake hamster in the afternoon.

DSC_4902 by cherieamour on Zooomr

The other grandma, which Bitchy says looks like Cruella de Vil. There is a certain resemblance. She is senile, and keeps insisting my Dad hasn't given over her monthly allowance.

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Her poison. Apologies for the blur, I tried to be sneaky and mf wasn't accurate (:

More photos when I have the time.

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