Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I realised I often (cancel that, always) blog about my life while friends contemplate complicated issues on theirs.

But oh well, it is a personal blog!


I am so glad, SO GLAD, that my Economics test and Biz Journalism assignment are over and done with!! My heart explodes with joy as my eyes can finally rest lovingly on websites about cameras and lenses, and the occasion Japanese drama.

Did I mention I was exploding with joy?

Leica... Rangefinder... Tmax... Film FILM FILM FILM!


Oh yes. I have to stiffen my resolve to sell some gear away. Cameras are supposed to be like a part of my body... yet I barely have time to acquaint myself with my D80 and its lenses... To say the least of my new Leica CL and Nikon FE2.

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