Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I'm going MIA from now.

The pain in my ear is so bad. It feels like my inner ear is being pricked by a thousand red-hot needles. Its so painful its humbling. I've never felt pain that bad, I start crying for no other reason than the pain itself.

My middle ear is numb. My hearing's muffled.

I'm scared I'll go deaf. My doctor's scared it'll affect my brain.

Apparently, my ear is so badly inflamed, the doc can barely see my timpanic membrane.

Got a jab in my butt this morning and various other pills.

I'm so glad now that I didn't refuse the painkillers, cos I ate one already and the pain is still so bad I can barely think.

I'm glad he scared me into taking the 3 days MC when I kept insisting on going to work after seeing him, because I'm afraid for my brain too, and I'm feeling so tired besides the pain which makes me see stars.

I hope my ear gets better. I'm so scared now.

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