Monday, September 01, 2008


At first, I thought Cappuccino is feeling better, but just a few hours back he was convulsing. Twice. His little body was racking with spasms and was flung around his tank like a puppet on a string. Took him out, he was rather dazed and scared, and his mouth was foaming, just like previously.

Makes me wonder what exactly is it which makes him like that. He seemed to calm down after I cradled him and patted his head. But the second time, his body started jerking and his eyes started closing and I got worried that a heart attack was being witnessed. Hopefully its just a case of hiccups and ants biting him rather than a serious disease.

Pondering if I should go for the economics and japanese tutorial later, sure wouldn't want something to go wrong without being by Cappuccino's side.

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