Tuesday, July 27, 2010


As mentioned in the last post, here are some slides which I took at the months ago picnic and scrabble outing (: Unfortunately, I realised near the end that I had not set the ISO, and it was on 400 instead of 100 - resulting in 2 stops underexposure (: I've tried my best to save them! They look super saturated :D

It was a CROWDED day. VERY crowded day (:

Which made me very surprised because the previous time I went (before this outing), the Barrage was pretty empty! Just a few lonely sheep (:

Detail lost here from underexposure is pretty bad, but try to make out the many uncountable heads there..


I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY (: film photography

Happy Miak the jumper (: @ Haikou, China

Colour shift... I don't know why

And unfortunately it ends here! Cos I happily finished my roll in China, thinking I had another new one in my bag... Yes they were in my bag. My main luggage bag, not the camera bag! Oh well (:

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