Tuesday, July 27, 2010


As mentioned in the last post, here are some slides which I took at the months ago picnic and scrabble outing (: Unfortunately, I realised near the end that I had not set the ISO, and it was on 400 instead of 100 - resulting in 2 stops underexposure (: I've tried my best to save them! They look super saturated :D

It was a CROWDED day. VERY crowded day (:

Which made me very surprised because the previous time I went (before this outing), the Barrage was pretty empty! Just a few lonely sheep (:

Detail lost here from underexposure is pretty bad, but try to make out the many uncountable heads there..


I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY (: film photography

Happy Miak the jumper (: @ Haikou, China

Colour shift... I don't know why

And unfortunately it ends here! Cos I happily finished my roll in China, thinking I had another new one in my bag... Yes they were in my bag. My main luggage bag, not the camera bag! Oh well (:

Sunday, July 25, 2010

About the Octopus

No, not Paul the famous cephalopod, which is unbelievably hard to spell, I might add!

Yes the blog is due for an update! I realised that I often like to read old posts.. It helps me remember wot went on in a specific time of my life (:

So, I wanted to upload some film photos... and then realised that I had uploaded some on Facebook which I didn't blog about. M's octopus that is (:

The thing is, we went to the Marina Barrage one day...

It was months ago, perhaps in January or February.

I can still remember the potato salad and tuna sandwiches that Hanh made (:

That's Hanh, with my camera (:

And M, finishing the potato salad. So very yummmmmy....!

Well this was all back when it was just a jc friends gathering (:

And we went there to have a picnic and play Scrabble!

Hehe, that's the super cute drawstring bag I got for the Scrabble tiles so I wouldn't lose any! Two are missing already.

Doesn't this remind you of There's Something About Mary? The part where she put something in her hair...

We saw loads of kites being flown.

Speaking of which, kites are like everywhere in Singapore now! I see them in Boon Lay... I heard West Coast and East Coast Park are full of them too... Not to forget Barrage of course (:

It just reaffirms my thinking that Singaporeans are all followers. One person can do something, and then everyone will follow. We're like a bunch of silly sheep, to be honest. Silly Singaporeans.

And then just as we were leaving, we spotted this really cool kite!!

with an extreeeeemely long tail (: which M happened to find really really cool!

Okay now skip forward a few months, to May, where during my trip to Haikou with the girls, I spotted the coolest kite ever!! It was soaring in the sky. And it had EIGHT tails.

Fine, tentacles.

Of course, I thought of M (:

It was crazy expensive (especially since we were in China, but given that he likes huge kites - with tails - and diving / water, I thought the octopus was perfect!)

*Let me warn you first that this is a very long post (or at least photo-heavy!)

Our first outing was to West Coast Park (: Which Jo recommended as a very windy and popular kite-flying spot. Back when there weren't many kites in Singapore yet, for when we went, the park was empty. There was no wind. The weather was scorching hot. And our kite wouldn't fly - unless you count running around and dragging the kite in the air, flying.

So instead we sat on the mat and burnt ourselves.

For we were waiting for the elusive wind to arrive... which didn't, we sadly realised after more than an hour in the sun, far from the shade.

So we played the uke instead :D

Our next attempt, was at the Barrage. A place where we previously saw many kites doing what kites should.

This time, Beverley, my best friend in Canada came along! And I made my version of potato salad... which was not as good as Hanh's, let's leave it at that (:

Unrolling the kite!

M looks optimistic (:

But, while everyone's kite flew, ours was only content to fly when being dragged around.

Personally, I thought it was too overweight. It was HUGE! And heavy.

The two happy and still-optimistic people (:

Unfortunately, happiness was short-lived as the weather turned gloomy.

I played the uke while the two tried hard (:

Then they gave up and we had our meal!! I can't quite remember wot I made, it wasn't memorable ): I should stick to baking.

Bev learnt You Are My Sunshine on the uke!

Unfortunately the kite didn't fly that day either...

Apparently nothing dampens their spirit (:


Matthew kept saying that third time's the charm (even on our first attempt) and I remained sceptical.

We went to this large, correction, HUGE empty field somewhere in Woodlands. Follow the kites and you'll find it (: Oh, and police car, which gets called often to get rid of illegally parking drivers (:

Was M running around while that kite stayed in the air?

Was he?

*TADA* no running involved!

Haha. The field was much too muddy anyway, there was much waterlogged areas, that we had to watch where we tread.

The wind kept dying though, although it was quite strong most of the time. That's me getting the kite up!

It would mostly fly far, but remain low.

Once it got pretty high though!! :D Happy!

I guess third time really is the charm (:

And that ends the story of M's octopus (:

Stay tuned next, for scans of film slides taken during the first Barrage outing. Their oversaturated. But I love them!!

Saturday, July 03, 2010


I wonder if I'm a sister or a servant.

For my life, I've been putting up with my sister expecting me to do things for her, and the few times that I stand up for myself and refuse, she calls me a bitch, and then starts calling her friends to complain about me.

But I've decided I've had enough of being treated like a servant.

Today we went grocery shopping because I just started work and wanted to get snacks etc in case I got hungry.

This is what I bought:
1 can of tuna
4 small packs containing 10 tea bags each
1 bag of 3-in-1 coffee mix sticks
3 cup noodles
1 blue tack
1 packet of miso soup

Then she starts saying I've bought too much, and forces me to stop buying, when the trolley is 2/3 her stuff. Of course I accede. Can anyone tell me if the above amount is much? it didn't even fill up one NTUC plastic bag completely.

Afterwards, she has 3 plastic bags, and although its the usual amount people carry, I know its too much for her because she doesn't like carrying stuff, so I ask if we should push the trolley to the shopping centre exit where some people put the trolleys. She says no, its fine. And then when I return the trolley, she demands for me to help carry one for her. I refused, even though it was light, because firstly she didn't even let me do my grocery shopping, secondly I already offered that we bring the trolley to the exit nearest out house, and thirdly she demanded instead of asking nicely. After demanding about four times for me to take it, she finally huffed and took it, and then stormed off (I've never seen her walking that fast in my life).

Subsequently, we got in the lift, I pressed the level, and then when the lift door opened I motioned for her to go out first since she has an unfortunate tendency of suffering lift doors closing on her, but instead she yelled "what now you expect me to open the door too when I have no hands?!" and I was shocked because I let her out of the lift first. And then I open the door and immediately she starts complaining to my mother how I only have one bag to hold but I can't help her hold and dumps her stuff on the hall floor.

I wonder if it is wrong of me to wonder if I'm a servant, because its hard to tell otherwise. Sometimes thank yous and nice requests don't hurt.