Tuesday, May 06, 2008


It feels great to head out after being couped at home for a week with flu (:

And I realised this blog is all "prose" no pictures, so here goes!

The happy Bitchy who has finished her exams! Finally!

With her 22nd birthday present (: a DS lite! Lily and I planned it, and I even got her the pretty blue sticker she liked! Also, I designed a Fatter Mommy skin for the game cartridge (:

I passed to her the DS in my dirrrrty case where I always put mine, and when she took it out she actually thought I changed my black DS to a new one! Then she opened it, and *tada*, Happy Belated! She's a bit of a ..... cos she even thought that the hammie wheel was not just from me and lily! and she even thought the game cartridge was shared by everyone. A bit not right in the head, but thats understandable after the exams (:

I don't need to get a birthday present next year anymore, hooray!

Me with staircase bokeh (:

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