Monday, March 31, 2008

Learning the Hard Way

What happens when you run a 5k after four months of not running (other than the elusive 2k runs) and you try to do it at the same speed?

1. You get extra short in breath after repeated shouting for a towel at the gym.
2. You keep increasing the speed as usual... but you seem to be moving off the treadmill.
3. At the last 1k, you feel tired... and all you can think of is stop now, STOP NOW!
4. You push the speed up like mad at the last 400m (which you always do) for your last burst of energy, and you almost succeed in... falling off the treadmill.
5. After just three hours, your thighs are numb with pain - every tiny movement of your legs requires extreme suffering, well you could always use your hands to move them up and down

I am never, NEVER, running a 5k again. Okay, maybe not till the exams are over.

Now, this a quote I wish I could apply to myself:

I have to race. I'm like a Ferrari. You can't keep it in the garage.

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